Wahl Industries - Rainbow Children's Village

Wahl Industries is proud support Rainbow Children's Village

We made a conscious decision to get involved in a project in the community.


Wahl Industries has always believed in giving back to the community. One of our major contributions has been to Rainbow Children’s village.

This is a non-profit organisation that houses and looks after underprivileged, abused and HIV positive children. The children range from babies, toddlers to teenagers. Together with the community the children are clothed, fed and educated.

Four years ago Wahl Industries together with some of it’s employees became involved with the organisation and arranged a major renovation of the house. On a monthly basis the company contributes to the day to day needs of the village and the education of the children. Besides the regular contributions the company also gets involved in special projects. At the beginning of the year the company put blinds in the entire house. 

Our staff take time out to donate clothes and toys or contribute time and skills to the village. The village ensures that the children have a safe, secure environment in which to develop into well balanced adults.



Rainbow Children’s Village was registered as a Non- Profit Organization (NPO) in July 2005 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

This NPO started in a small home in Westbury with just 2 children, and now is based in a bigger home in Westdene catering to 15-20 children at the most. These numbers do differ almost every year, sometimes it is less and sometimes more. There are some children who have lived in the care of the Rainbow Children’s Village since babies of a few months old, and are currently in their schooling years. The village seeks to help underprivileged, abused and HIV- Positive children brought into our care by social workers and to give them a safe, secure and happy home.

For the past 3 years the RCV has also worked with Childline to assist in the psychological needs of the children residing there. Our children are the wellspring of our society, because in them we see both the future and the past heritage of this country. If we really aspire to change our country for the better, we must equip our children with health, confidence and the ability to contribute to the communities from which they come, both intellectually and economically.



Rainbow Children’s Village is an NPO that is determined to make a positive difference in the lives of socially and intellectually disadvantaged children through care and love. We aim to teach them to be obedient, loving, kind, honest, responsible, respectful, attentive, thoughtful, cheerful and aware of good morals & values. In this way they will become worthy and valued members of society.

We aim to make a positive difference in the lives of abandoned, abused and HIV babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, and adolescents by helping them to become healthy and responsible children and young adults. To foster in them, an awareness of their self-worth.